Returns & Refund Policy

Returns & Refund Policy

We are committed to your satisfaction with our products and services.

Defective Products

In the unlikely event that a product that you have ordered from us is not received in good condition or is damaged or is defective or if the product that has been delivered to you is different from what you had ordered, you must immediately contact our customer service team by email on or call us on +971 4 32 41 420.

If we agree with you that the product was not received in a good condition or is damaged or is defective or if the product that has been delivered to you is different from what you had ordered, we will do the following:

  • We will attempt to repair the product.
  • If we are unable to repaid the product, we will replace the product, at no cost to you.

Returns Policy

Items marked as "Manufactured in the UAE"

OFFICEBASE products, that are manufactured in the UAE, are manufactured against your order. Orders for such products cannot be cancelled or returned.

Items that are not manufactured in the UAE

We can accept returns on these items under the following conditions:

  • We are notified of your intention to return the item within 2 business days of your receiving the order.
  • The item is returned to our warehouse in good condition within 3 business days of receiving your item. The item should be returned to our warehouse at the customer's cost. Good condition means:
    • The item has not been used
    • All packing materials are returned with the product.
    • All stickers, tags, badges are returned.
    • Products that have been assembled or installed cannot be returned.

Returned products are subject to inspection and the decision to accept a return made by OFFICEBASE/Mano Interiors LLC employees, will be final.


Refunds Policy

  • Refunds will only be processed once we have accepted the item fo return.
  • Refunds will be processed through the mode with which the payment was received.
  • The refunds process will only be initiated once we have received the product(s), in good condition.
  • Refunds shall be processed within 10 business days of the receiving the returned products to our warehouse.
  • We shall not be responsible for any delays in credit to the card holder's credit card account, as that is managed by the issuer of the credit card.
  • All transaction fees that are charged by the bank are to the account of the customer.

Orders for products that are Made in the UAE cannot be cancelled.